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Methven becomes CEO, Scott dropped

The club today made some changes to the board for the upcoming season.

Both Charlie Methven and Gavin Carter become board members, joining Jim Rodwell, who continues to be chair and former player Paul Elliott, who takes the role of Vice Chairman as well as CFO Ed Warrick.

It’s funny those that said that Methven had no decision making powers at the club and was just a small investor, he might even have been quoted as saying that himself.

Methven has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer, in which he will be responsible for the off-pitch growth of the club and will oversee the day-to-day running of it at The Valley. Big job.

Meanwhile Andy Scott looks as if he’s been demoted. Interesting that these changes follow a thorough review by the owners, Global Football Partners.

Scott steps away from board duties to focus on his role as Technical Director in charge of the club’s first-team football departments at the training ground, reporting to Rodwell.

Rodwell, Carter and Methven spoke to supporters tonight on CATV.

I find Rodwell wholly uninspiring but his sole job is to report upwards and make sure others do their jobs properly. I actually thought Methven came across with quite a deep understanding of who and where we are as a football club.

He obviously talks well, and I will repeat the ‘actions not words’ mantra, but he was eminently more listenable than Rodwell.

Carter get’s it. He is one of us, and living his life in North America like I do, he is particularly me. I credit him for deciding to I suspect uproot his nice life to attempt to be part of making Charlton great again by committing cash and a whole lot of time.

Take a listen if you haven’t already as it was worth an hour and a bit particularly the conversation around The Valley ownership. As always Charlotte Richardson did a bang up job.

3 Comments Post a comment
  1. Yes, just listened to it and yes they can all talk a good game of football and yes Methven did say he was responsible for investments in to the club while scheming to become CEO!!
    Yes with him and Rodwell at the helm what could go wrong?
    Snidy Scott hould not be anywhere near the club but it seems Jones seems to be very happy and let’s just hope things do not go pear shaped.
    ps Did I hear right over 10K in season ticket sales so far?

    June 28, 2024
  2. Shadow Play #

    I thought it was constructive and I like it that they are communicating with us, something that other owners haven’t done.

    Season ticket sales are going well which is not to be sneezed at in this economic environment especially as we are a L1 outfit that finished nowhere near the promotion places and only succeeded in under-performing.

    I like the improvements to the Valley and training ground and the fitness issues surrounding the players is being addressed and with a thought through plan and Miles Leaburn was despatched to St George’s Park for some (I assume) expensive re-hab work.

    Plus there are another five players to come in, we know one will be a keeper, so four outfield players and I’m assuming they’ll be midfield/attacking players.

    June 28, 2024

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