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Luke Berry signs from Luton

I put Luke Berry and Charlton together after Luton announced their end of season release list and today that became a reality when the midfielder signed on a two-year contract (with a year’s option).

Berry is a signing to raise the eyebrows, and I would have expected him to have had plenty of offers from higher placed teams, particulary in the south-east, but has chosen the Addicks purely down to his relationship with Nathan Jones.

Berry scored two goals in 17 Premier League appearances for Rob Edwards’ Luton Town ast season, and has the impressive record of scoring in each of the top five divisions.

With four promotions, 476 appearances and 92 goals Berry brings a winning mentality to The Valley. Welcome Luke.

3 Comments Post a comment
  1. Shadow Play #

    Good call CA….

    This is just the sort of player we need.

    June 17, 2024
  2. Peter Gregg #

    Mitchell has signed from Millwall my mate was gutted he has left.

    June 17, 2024
  3. Jon #

    This is a signing with a bit of ambition about it, and I know many Luton fans are sad to see him leave.

    Much of our recent transfer dealings have been about signing lower League One and Two players, and then hoping that they can somehow step up(which has worked out too well!), so bringing in some proven quality is a good step.

    June 17, 2024

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