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20 years young

20 years ago today I was sat in my apartment in Chicago with dial up internet, and using some early Blog templates I penned my first Blog post.

I hadn’t long been back from the pub after watching England concede two injury time Zinedine Zidane goals in the first group game of Euro 2004. You can never accuse this Blog of dripping in football success!

I had always liked to write and a couple of years previous a mate and I dabbled with a Charlton focused web-page, which I doubt anyone ever read, but Blogging had emerged and it offered anyone a chance to become a writer, if one was willing to take the plunge.

In those days a lot of people were doing it, although most disappeared as soon as they arrived, but my early Addicks inspiration’s Wyn Grant and Darryl Chamberlain are both still going strong. Another muse was Diamond Geezer, who continues to write about his daily encounters well over 20 years since he started telling his stories.

I am going to repeat what I have said hundreds of times previously but I actually write this for me. I kept a diary from the first day I moved to Chicago, and those early pages are a tough read, but on that day in June 2004 I moved my thoughts and daily ramblings onto here.

No one has to read it, but believe me I am happy you do, but these pages continue to chronicle my days. I have gotten a little deep sometimes, a little sour and a little happy, but here it is, 20 years of life and opinions. A diary, a friend, sometimes a hindrance, always a refuge.

The number of readers has grown significantly over the years, and I am forever grateful that you make my musings part of your daily routine. Particular thanks to those of you that take the time to comment and give the Blog a community feel.

10 years ago on my 10th Blogging anniversary I researched and wrote about the 1974 World Cup, a body of work that I am still very proud off.

To commemorate 20 years of writing these pages, I’ve started to compile a list of 20 Places and 20 Players that have left an indelible mark on me in my life. Travelling and Charlton Athletic are two of the major motivations for this Blog, and I will continue to add to those lists, and attempt to add some reasonings behind my selections.

20 Years then. Cheers to me 🍺. It must be time for the pub on the eve of Euro 2024.

10 Comments Post a comment
  1. greg brown #

    Yep, Cheers to you CA….I’m sure there will be a lot of people raising a glass to you too today….long may your blog continue. COYA.

    June 13, 2024
  2. Russell #

    Hi CA,

    Crikey, I’ve been reading it almost as long as you’ve been writing it! I have fond memories of several trips to Chicago, including sharing a few beers with you back in 2006. Keep it up, always an interesting read.


    June 13, 2024
    • Remember it like yesterday Russell, hope you are doing well.

      June 13, 2024
  3. Steve Mitchell #

    Happy Anniversary CA

    June 13, 2024
  4. Fantastic blog. I must have been reading you for most of those twenty years. It’s my go to on all things Charlton, but also an interesting read when you meander off into whtaver takes your fancy. I’ve only ever commented on here once before, way back in 2009, when Charlton were beating Bristol Rovers on the night when my daughter was born. (If I recall correctly, I think your daughter had recently arrived too…..)

    Anyway, congratulations, and keep up the good work. All the best from France.

    June 13, 2024
    • Thank you Nixon. You have a good memory. She was born at the end of October, 2009.

      June 14, 2024
  5. David #

    Love the blog. Well written and always considered. Been reading it for not quite 20 years but a long time.

    Would love to buy you a beer and shoot the breeze sometime!

    keep going!

    June 13, 2024

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