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Alfie May

There’s been lots of chatter about Alfie May since the season ended. One half of the camp are ‘he is definitely going,’ the other half ‘of course he’s not.’

No one really knows of course, probably not even Alfie, who on the back of a golden-boot winning season must have expected to just rest-up and get all fired up to start a new season.

The division’s top scorer will always attract interest, as will an ever revolving management door meaning players get displaced as relationships change.

Yet, selling your biggest asset saving you have someone better lined up is not very good business unless you need the cash. Picking promotion winning ability 20+ goals a season strikers is not easy. We somehow managed to find one and now there’s a possibility that we may lose him.

It sounds as Huddersfield Town will come back in with another offer, but why Alfie would uproot his family after spending many years trying to get back to Kent to another totally new place sounds implausible, and why Nathan Jones would want to lose a player who scored almost all of our goals last season to another team in the same division should also be inconceivable.

It will I suspect all come down to May and Jones. Is this a relationship that mutually works and is respected?

7 Comments Post a comment
  1. Huddersfield have made a bid, its been rejected by the club.

    Its been suggested that they’ll come back with an improved offer, that’s it.

    The hysterical meltdown taken place on CL is absolutely ridiculous, the volatile nature of fans, our fans! Some people seem to actually live on that thread.

    I wonder if other clubs fans go into meltdown if we make a bid for one of their players?

    June 14, 2024
  2. Lets hope so !!

    June 15, 2024
  3. Daggs #

    Unlike many I am yet to be convinced NJ is the Messiah.

    Yes he came in and saved us from relegation, for which I am very grateful. A feat he would not have achieved without Alfie May.

    If he sanctions Alfie’s departure, he’s a fool. If we then struggle next season, he’ll be fool out of a job.

    Alfie May needs a strike partner, not a transfer.

    June 15, 2024
  4. Graham Pritchard #

    Losing May would be a step back. A little and large strike pair is always a good starting point. It seems the trouble is all the larges seem to be injury prone.

    June 15, 2024
  5. Sisyphus #

    Alfie needs a new improved contract. Otherwise he will “fair game” to others prepared to offer more. Up rooting your family is an disruption -but if it offers a better standard of football and greater financial security for the future (for your family)- its worth doing.

    June 16, 2024
  6. Raylands #

    Sisyphus is right.

    It makes sense to offer Alfie May both a contract extension and a wage increase. Just reward for saving us last season and astuteness for the forthcoming and future ones.

    June 16, 2024

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