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Keep the faith

In life you come across people that lead and inspire, are selfless in everything they do, and despite operating in a highly pressured environment having to make tough decisions, no one ever has a bad word to say about you.

My boss was that person.

He died a couple of weeks ago after a painfully and desperately short fight against cancer. Just eight weeks from diagnosis to passing.

His passing is still very raw to me and to a lot of us that he led and loved him. Yesterday was his funeral, and celebration of his life.

500 people packed a Catholic Church in the beautiful village of Hingham on the south shore of Massachusetts, just south of Boston. His Mum was there, his kids gave eulogies, his wife attempted to hold it together. It was sad and moving.

His was a golfer, a bloody good one too, pretty much scratch and afterwards at the beautiful Boston Golf Club, we toasted him as he looked down on us stood on the edge of the 1st tee with the sun bright in the sky.

Boston Golf Club was he and his wife’s happy place, and his best mate, who happens also to be ESPN’s main NHL ice hockey commentator, gave a long and heartwarming tribute. As you’d expect from such an accomplished speaker he was brilliant and the air filled with tears and laughter for close to an hour.

These untimely moments in life emphasize what is often said, that it is not how long you live, it is what you do whilst you are living it.

My boss was so good to me and my family. I miss him, but as he would always say to me ‘everything will be just fine, keep the faith.’

26 Comments Post a comment
  1. Steve #

    Sad and so very very poignant CA, best wishes to all.

    June 1, 2024
  2. camenzulimail #

    Lovely write up, good reading, good man , we should all keep the faith . If i knew this man i would miss him as you are .

    Sad he just went in a short time regrettably in pain , GOD BLESS HIM.


    June 1, 2024
  3. May he Rest In Peace..

    June 1, 2024
  4. Steven Lissenden #

    I never knew the man but the way you described him he is another shining light in heaven.

    God bless you and all those who morn the loss of this man and may you look forward to the days when you think of him and smile.


    Revd Steve

    June 1, 2024
  5. Keith #

    So sorry for your loss CA – it reminds us to focus on what’s important in life. X

    June 1, 2024
  6. So very sad on your loss but the words so heartwarming and magnificient indeed.

    June 1, 2024
  7. David Williams #

    Sorry for your loss CA

    June 2, 2024
  8. Roger A #

    What more can be said that the above has been said.

    June 2, 2024
  9. Sorry to hear the news Chicago, very fresh in your mind and I imagine hard to stay with the good things you say about him and not the loss itself.

    To be honest though, I thought the header, suggested it was going to be a blog about all those losing their rag on the, Summer Transfer Rumours thread on CL.

    Keep the Faith could equally apply to them!

    June 2, 2024
    • Thanks Martin.

      I know. The summer transfer meltdown is well and truly here.

      June 2, 2024
      • paulsquires1 #

        hi CA

        Thank you for the diverse range of your topics, always informative, intelligent, analytical and thoughtful. It very helpful to bridge the gap between the last season and the next. There’s many rumours about attracting bargains or free transfers and little about players ability and skills being right for Charlton. I find your blogs help distract me from all the crap and as you said Keep the Faith. Keep up you good work.


        June 2, 2024
        • That’s very kind Paul. I know some of my posts are not for everyone, but I enjoy writing about different things that pop into my head or just simple stuff I’ve done that I want to get out of my head onto ‘paper.’

          Funnily enough my most read post in 20 years was a post I wrote about Flamenco 💃.

          June 2, 2024
  10. Mike #

    Sad Times. Reminds me of a previous Boss always thinking of others rather than himself an absolutely lovely person, who became a good friend, he also died from Cancer. The hardest part for me was, when I went back to the house after the Church Service and tried to speak to his son, who I could see was going to turn out like his father, words wouldn’t come out and we just hugged one another.

    Probably very similar to your Boss, he made time for anyone and would always listen. He was greatly missed by me and as your Boss said “everything will be fine keep the faith” he’s right, believe him, and the next time you meet, I’m sure your be playing a round of golf together! 🙂

    June 2, 2024
    • Mike, I might let him fly around the course on par, and I will wait for him in the 19th 🍺

      June 2, 2024
  11. greg brown #

    My condolences to you and your boss’s family and friends CA. Why does it always seem to be the good people that go early. He must have been a nice guy by the way you speak about him. So sad.

    June 2, 2024
  12. Bily #

    sorry to hear this. What could be causing all this turbo cancer that people are getting?

    June 2, 2024
    • Thank you. I have no idea, but it it seems to be getting worse, not better.

      June 3, 2024

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